You Will Never Thought That Knowing Bernadette Banner, Could be So Beneficial!


It was 9:40 in the evening feeling unmotivated, didn’t accomplished anything then charaaann!!

Our Queen Bernadette Banner posted a vlog about productivity.

Notification from Bernadette Banner
I was so excited when I read this notification <3

No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’re doing, no matter how many subscribers you have or whatever success you’ve achieved or not achieved, you’re never too good to stop leaning. I’m constantly studying, reading books and taking courses, attending classes, and going to lecture and things. If we stop learning, we just stagnate.

If you want to keep going stuff and you want to keep progressing and improving through life, then it’s very important.

Bernadette Banner
I love this line! I think this is for me haha! and for all 🙂

Since that night, I started to make a list and organize the urgent and important works that should be done. I noticed she used a grid to make an organized and neat to-do-list. And I think that’s will help me.

All my to-do lists are scattered on my notebook and I was disappointed because of that, but when I saw her erasing the works that have been done, I felt ‘THAT WAS SATISFACTION‘. Erasing the one task without any trace!

It’s so cool to organize your tasks using grid!

She made me inspired and continue what I am doing. I’ll try to become productive and take a rest (reward for myself) but don’t stop.

I enrolled in various online courses and finding new skills and reading more books. So, yes I am busy just like her.

But the problem is, I’m not motivated before I watched her video.

Bernadette Banner is my one of my role models and I am proud to say that! She helps me a lot and I don’t think if she notices me haha! I really love her and her content. I always learned a lot from her ( because I am fan of sewing and not cutting of our hair) and now I am writing a blog for her!

Thanks, Queen Bernadette!

(Just kidding. I just want to call her “Queen” :)))

Now, I made a challenge for myself to stay productive, stick to my to-do-list: #10DaysofProductivity

Are you with me? Do you wanna join?

Dont forget: Allow yourself to give a break after that. See you!

5 thoughts on “You Will Never Thought That Knowing Bernadette Banner, Could be So Beneficial!

  1. Would be exciting to join the #10DaysofProductivity challenge. Hoping I will have the time to share mine on social media. Looiking forward to your write ups! 🙂

  2. i have my to-do list usually ready the night before… problem is actually doing them and checking the tasks i have done. tough one always!

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