Teaching as a Vocation, Mission, and Profession

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Teaching as a vocation.

Teaching as a Vocation.

Teaching is like being a follower of Christ. Despite our feelings that we are undeserving of the title, He chose us. I, too, did not want to become a teacher, but here I am, writing this for you, and soon, I will graduate from this pre-service teacher program and begin teaching students who are deserving of free education. But I believe there is a reason I am studying to be a professional teacher and serving as a Christian disciple. I don’t want it, but I believe I need it, and someone needs my teaching abilities.

Teaching as a Mission.

Teaching is like planting, with the classroom serving as the garden. Our mission as teachers is to impart information to our students. Our students are seedlings, and this knowledge is the fertilizer we gave them, as well as knowing the strategies on how we cared for them. The instructor should be compassionate with the seedlings because, regardless of how much or how little sunlight they get, they are all unique individuals that develop at their own pace and in their own unique way; no two are alike. Some students bloom early, while others do not; some need more attention, while others develop on their own; and every now and then, some refuse to grow. However, in the case of our students, even though we are ready to teach and encourage them, they refuse to pursue their studies, and this is the challenge of becoming a teacher we will need the patience to persuade them to do so. Our mission is to look after them and be their guide as they grow, allowing them to discover who they are.

Teaching as a Profession.

Teaching is a never-ending process of self-improvement. We provide our students with expertise and high-quality education, and as professionals, we are required to learn new things every day and at all stages of our lives. This may be daunting, but understanding the sense of professionalism and becoming a teacher would serve as inspiration to continue our education. Also, technology and teaching methods vary according to the needs of our students, so we must adapt and be versatile because change is the only constant in the world. Every year and decade brings something new to learn and adapt to; if we do not, we would have failed as professional educators.

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